Introduction: As Leading wet civil engineering specialists, Land & Water were awarded the contract for the works at Wroughton Reservoir, on behalf of Thames Water. The works were to ensure that the reservoir continued in its role regarding stormwater attenuation. As part of the Works, Land & Water were tasked with installing new headwalls and associated pipework, replacing the existing bypass culverts,

Challenges: New pipework was installed along a narrow strip of land, requiring a large clear opening for the safe installation of the pipework.
Solution: NTS (UK) supplied a master kit of Slide Rail. The high strut clearances, complimented by 6m long bays (reducing the number of struts required), allowed for the safe installation and onsite electrofusion welding, of the 12m long, 355DN HDPE pipes.
The Slide Rail System was installed with a 22t tracked excavator; giving Land & Water all the commercial benefits attributed to Slide Rail.