As part of the Yorkshire Water surface water outfall works, into the River Rother (Chesterfield), Arthur Civil Engineering were contracted to install the 1.5m x 0.8m reinforced concrete culverts and the cast insitu, concrete outfall structure. Arthur Civil Engineering engaged NTS (UK) to carry out the Design and Supply of the excavation support, for the non-standard sheet piled cofferdam, including ladder access and edge protection.
The works were adjacent to the River Rother, applying varying loads to the excavation – working space around the excavation was also an issue. Ground conditions were such, that pre-driving sheets was also difficult – whilst maintaining the irregular pentagon cofferdam, with specific setting out coordinates.
System 30 medium duty hydraulic bracing was the preferred shoring system, along with 5m long L602 sheet piles (inc. Omega corners).
NTS (UK) supplied the hydraulic bracing, sheet piles & corners, excavator mounted vibrator, including ladder access and edge protection.
Our site demonstration team attended site, to assist the Client with their installation.